Family Friendly Worship 9:30 AM Every Sunday • Sunday School Following Worship • Nursery Care Available

Adult Discipleship

 Adult Discipleship Opportunities

Everyone is invited to participate in Discipleship. Classes provide a small group opportunity to develop friendships and dig deeper into the Bible, as well as matters of faith and life. The classes share prayer and life concerns and support each other in numerous ways. Periodically classes gather outside of Sunday morning for social events or zoom discussions. All existing Adult Discipleship Classes welcome new comers and are beginning new topics, so if you are not connected to a Discipleship school class, this is a great time to enter!

Ambassadors –  Room 305/307

Studying Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life.  Intergenerational.

Crusaders/Seekers- Room 301

Studying the Salt and Light Bible Study for Anabaptist Christians.  Intergenerational.

 Expresso  –  Rm 114

Studying the Salt and Light Bible Study for Anabaptist Christians. Intergenerational.  Teaching/facilitating the discussion is shared among participants.

Faithful Workers and Encouragers Combined Classes – Room 300-302

Studying Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life.  Primarily Senior Citizens.

Genesis  – Room 116

Group discussion on various topics. Intergenerational.

Young Adults – Room 124

Using a devotion app throughout the week, talking about the devotions and how they apply to life.  Primarily young adults in their late teens to early 20’s.

Sojourners – Room 304/306

Studying the Gospel of John.  Intergenerational.