Family Friendly Worship 9:30 AM Every Sunday • Sunday School Following Worship • Nursery Care Available

Support Groups & Counseling Services

Counseling Services

SMC collaborates with Dayspring Counseling Center at St. Luke’s Penn Foundation and a number of local counselors, providing financial assistance for counseling.  Pastor Jen Eriksen Morales is ready to meet with you, listen, and walk with you in whatever situation you may face, giving spiritual support and finding the right referral for counseling. 

These conversations are confidential. Telephone Pastor Jen at 215-723-3088 ext. 104  or send her an email.

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Meetings at Souderton Mennonite Church every Thursday at 7:00pm  in the Youth Center.  Please use the entrance/parking  on Wile Ave (enter through the door marked Bridge of Hope, turn left and go straight down the hallway).  For more information about the meetings held at our church, please contact Denise  (267) 454-0240.  For complete information about Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit their website –

Note: This group meets in SMC’s building, but is not administered by SMC.


NA (Narcotics Anonymous)

Meetings at Souderton Mennonite Church every Wednesday at 7:00pm in Room 305.  Please use the entrance/parking on Chestnut St (enter the double doors across from the parking lot, up the stairs and follow signs).  For more information about the meetings held at our church, please contact Debbie (  For complete information about Narcotics Anonymous, please visit their website- 

Note: This group meets in SMC’s building, but is not administered by SMC.

Caregiver Support for those caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementia 

Meetings the fourth Thursday of the month via Zoom.  Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.  Contact Pastor Jen for more information.

More Info

For information about FREE counseling and support services, contact . . .

  • Grand View Hospital (215) 453-4484 – during normal business hours.
  • Bucks County (800) 220-8116 – A Woman’s Place – 24 Hour Hotline  [Services and shelter for victims of domestic abuse and violence, their children and the community.
  • Montgomery County (800) 773-2424 – The Women’s Center – 24 Hour Hotline
  • Lehigh County (610) 437-3369 – Turning Point of Lehigh Valley – 24 Hour Hotline
  • Philadelphia (866) 723-3014 – Women Against Abuse
  • Congresso De Latinos (215) 763-8870
  • Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255